Why we wake up at 3am and end up dwelling on our worries instead of sleeping
By Liv Clarke and Daniel Smith, Manchester Evening News
"...Professor Murray adds: “Have you noticed the 3am thoughts are very self-focused? In the quiet dark, it’s easy to slide unknowingly into a state of extreme egocentricity. Circling round the concept “I”, we can generate painful backwards-looking feelings like guilt or regret. Or turn our tired thoughts to the always uncertain future, generating baseless fears.
“Buddhism has a strong position on this type of mental activity: the self is a fiction, and that fiction is the source of all distress. Many of us now practise Buddhist-informed mindfulness to manage stress in the daytime; I use mindfulness to deal with 3am wakings..."
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Musings on Buddhism and modern global culture, plus a few miscellaneous topics.
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