Friday, 23 May 2014

Jihadists kill meditating Buddhists in Sri Lanka

The call for global jihad against Buddhists is unfortunately being taken up in Sri Lanka

From Jihadwatch

Jihadists kill meditating Buddhists in Sri Lanka

Muslims kill meditating Buddhists in Sri Lanka

May 23, 2014 at 9:21am Buddhists, Sri Lanka 4 Comments
"I do not know the people behind International Unity for Freedom & Equality, but I can see on their blog that they are friends with people I trust completely.
Transcription: “Other areas I have watched with this organization is Sri Lanka, where we have the Buddhist communities. They basically had monks killed while praying in their shrines, because they politely asked the Muslim community to not build a mosque next to their holy shrines.”

See   No future for Buddhism in an Islamized World